
I’m Bryan Downing and I’m the founder and owner of Quantlabs.net. ‘QLN’ (as I often call it) is unique – it’s the only quant-related website and membership service expressly designed to help you gain practical experience with the quantitative world.

I just updated my stance on my social media outlets with a 30 minute videos explaining it.


NOTE: After recent Microsoft ‘evil-ness’ to force the world on Windows 10, I cannot even restore original laptop settings with Windows 7. Check my details here on why.  

As a result, I cannot support Windows environments due to these technical issues so I STRONGLY recommend Apple Mac or Mint Linux.

CLICK to learn more about how Quantlabs.net has the most profitable trader or quant according to Quantcast Site Metrics

So how did I arrive at this idea? Well, I’ve been a software developer for over 20 years at 3 major Canadian banks and had a brief ‘exposure’ stint at the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board too.

And I love the capital markets. It made logical sense to marry my software and investment passions together, so (how many years ago?) I launched QLN for quant analysts, quant researchers, and quant developers.

In fact, what really spurred me on was the obvious fact that computer-based algorithmic trading is the way of the future. Every serious institutional investor is now relying on quantitative methods to improve their analysis, risk management, and trading activities. This trend isn’t likely to reverse any time soon. In fact, it’s going to get more and more competitive (and more and more secretive) as everyone strives for a trading edge and a secret weapon or two to ensure steady profits.

I’m sure you’re thinking the same and I hope you enjoy blending technology, trading and investments as much as I do!

As it stands, my long experience and cutting edge tutorials can help you to get a job or launch your own business in the quant field. Between my own knowledge and that of our Premium members (yes, we have real live institutional quant members active ‘on the inside’) the QLN practical knowledge base is just going to get bigger, better and more useful.

To dramatically slash your learning curve, consider becoming a Premium member today.

If you are interested in learning my background, watch this 30 minute interview. More details here.



NOTE I now post my TRADING ALERTS into my personal FACEBOOK ACCOUNT and TWITTER. Don't worry as I don't post stupid cat videos or what I eat!

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FREE 2 Hour Video! 


As you know with the crazy restrictive emergency laws being introduced in the last week, many moving their savings out of FIAT banks into cryptocurrency trading.

Here are some questions to get your started:

  • Create your own ‘bank’ anonymously with crypto
  • In the future, draw off your crypto saving with a Visa debit card
  • Trade using a European de-central exchange to trade perpetual contracts and other high performing coins
(All your info is kept private nor released!  Don’t forget to check to click your promo or spam inbox after the confirmation email is sent) 

Create your own  PRIVATE Bank