Which are the best graphical charting packages for R

Interesting uses for Quantmod R package   http://www.quantmod.com/examples/charting/ http://www.r-chart.com/2010/06/stock-analysis-using-r.html http://www.r-chart.com/2010/06/analyze-gold-demand-and-investments.html http://timelyportfolio.github.io/rCharts_time_series/history.html http://www.packtpub.com/article/creating-time-series-charts-r http://www.activeanalytics.co.uk/blog/plottinglivechartswithyahoofinancedataandggplot2inr http://www.incrediblecharts.com/indicators/williams_percent_r.php http://quant.stackexchange.com/questions/9465/library-for-interactive-financial-charts http://www.r-bloggers.com/using-r-and-motion-charts-to-analyze-financial-data/ R Code demoed FinancialChartQuantmod

Is the smartest way to parallelize this ARIMA function within R? Only for Windows? Use quantstart and backtest R packages?

Is the smartest way to parallelize this ARIMA function within R? Only for Windows? Use quantstart and backtest R packages? This came from https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-finance/2011q2/008143.html I don’t think this is the most intelligent way to parallelize this. Comment on what you think!   The easiest probably would be to use the multicore package (linux) on one […]

Crucial and many helpful R packages and research papers for finance and HFT with quant model, algo, and strategy example

Crucial and many helpful R packages and research papers for finance and HFT with quant  model, algo, and strategy example Note none of these have NOT been verified or validated yet but don’t mind me, I feel like a kid in a candy factory with these! With Interactive Brokers and R: http://blog.fosstrading.com/2010/05/introducing-ibrokers-and-jeff-ryan.html http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/IBrokers/vignettes/RealTime.pdf Implied volatility: […]