How many are buying into this hype of Timothy Sykes on this penny stock multi millionaire strategy

Bryan D

Bryan D

How many are buying into this hype of Timothy Sykes on this penny stock multi millionaire strategy
His latest video make a laugh at:
You follow me or you have no pulse mentality. He also claims he has not time to respond to stuff.
Question is: How many out there are actually bought into this hype? It seems many are speculating they don’t worry as well it seems he is only getting college fat boys buying into his stuff. Any real traders looked into it?
My opinion: First why would I buy into stocks which has been proven to be a high risk asset class? This is of course despite a 27+% return in 2013. Also, why would get involved with penny stocks. Honestly, that is where the bottom feeders of the industry live. You want to get sucked into the manipulation?
Also, do you really believe the benchmark of this site? Tim Sykes owns half of the site so that is not really neutral territory for his performance. This does not help:
But then there is:

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