R Course with Quant

Module 1 Intro
Unit 2 An ARMA model R code walkthrough
Unit 3 Checklist of forecasting with ARIMA: is time series stationary, differentiate, ARIMA(p,d,q), and which AMRA model to use?
Unit 4 R code walkthrough: Detrend to use Auto ARIMA modelling and forecast with statistical data and Ljung BoxTest
Unit 5 My first version of ARIMA R script with Forex data and Equity 1 and 5 min frequency
Unit 6 Bayesian analysis to Compare algorithms with Gibbs
Unit 7 Markov Chain R source code walkthrough
Unit 8 Monte Carlo R Walkthrough Demo
Unit 9 An alternative to running a Monte Carlo simulation
Unit 10 R code walkthrough Mean Absolute Deviation with Efficiency Frontiers Demo