We will all join soup kitchens because QE5: The Road to Financial Purgatory

We will all join soup kitchens because QE5: The Road to Financial Purgatory Uh, No not conspriracy I don’t think We will all join soup kitchens because QE5: The Road to Financial Purgatory http://www.futuremoneytrends.com/index.php/trend-articles/2013-articles/429-prepare-for-qe5-the-road-to-financial-purgatory

Is this best way to gauge a major sell off is coming during trading?

Send in from the NYC Contact sothanks to him. Warning: This is on Fox Business News so … well you know what I mean.Its like calling a VW could be Forumula One racing car. http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/3291533869001/how-to-prepare-for-a-sizeable-market-selloff/#sp=show-clips

Reminder TONITE 7PM EST: Topographic Finance by Paul Cottrell with registration online link

Reminder TONITE 7PM EST: Topographic Finance by Paul Cottrell with registration online link Registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2741622705083704065 7-8pm.Eastern Standard Time Topographic Finance Volatility and Drift Equity Markets Energy Markets Poseidon Paul Cottrell is a researcher in chaos theory and has interests in modeling financial markets. Some have considered him a polymath of sorts. Born in Detroit, […]