
AI, Deep HFT, and TradingView Integration

The highlight of this episode is the exploration of legacy coding projects, notably C++ and Python files, as well as PDF training resources related to High-Frequency Trading (deep HFT) and quantitative analysis, dating back to 1998.

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Leaving Canada for Better Prospects

In this podcast episode, the presenter, discusses his impending leaving Canada. He gives an honest and in-depth review of the current economic and political climate in the country.

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FREE 2 Hour Video! 


As you know with the crazy restrictive emergency laws being introduced in the last week, many moving their savings out of FIAT banks into cryptocurrency trading.

Here are some questions to get your started:

  • Create your own ‘bank’ anonymously with crypto
  • In the future, draw off your crypto saving with a Visa debit card
  • Trade using a European de-central exchange to trade perpetual contracts and other high performing coins
(All your info is kept private nor released!  Don’t forget to check to click your promo or spam inbox after the confirmation email is sent) 

Create your own  PRIVATE Bank